EUROPE IS NO LONGER IN CRISIS MODE. The number of arrivals is the lowest it has been in five years (150,000 in 2018). This is the result of joint EU efforts on all fronts. The majority of refugees and migrants remain in neighbouring countries. The EU works in partnership with third countries by helping them address the root causes of instability, forced displacement and irregular migration. source: Dalej
The euro introduction creates a housing bubble and causing the most severe financial crisis in Europe since 1929
It helped to avoid the negative effects on the economy, in an equal way for all countries, such as lose purchasing power or decline in the value of money
the European Monetary Union is by no means an economically flawed initiative. From its inception, the euro was both a political and an economic project. Additionally, it was successful in helping to create a single European identity, which is crucial to maintaining ties among member states. The euro also means closer co-operation among Member States for a stable currency and economy.between 2011-2016, the average inflation rate in the EU (1.5%) was slightly lower than the OECD area (1.6%). To compare, between 1961-1991, an average inflation rate in France, Germany or Spain accounted for respectively 6.6%, 3.4% and 10%. source: Dalej
False, it is not necessarily the “softness”, but gaps in the system and lack of cooperation between security and intelligence agencies across member states
False, Europe has not moved in a more repressive direction but is clearly better prepared to plug the gaps in the security apparatus
True, all that is needed is to crack down on radicals and suspected terrorists before they commit an attack and punish all them harsher to deter others
True, its laws are too soft, too bureaucratic and focus on the human rights of terrorists to the detriment of internal security
There are external factors that make Europe susceptible to terrorism, such as the success and appeal of Daesh to some Europeans and the existence of developed terrorist networks that often overlap with criminal ones. Since the escalation of the terror threat in 2015, Europe has moved in a more repressive direction and is better prepared to plug the gaps in the security apparatus by improving coordination and intelligence sharing. First, many European countries have introduced harsher laws to crack down on suspected terrorists and European citizens who travelled to Syria to fight for Daesh before attempting to return home. Moreover, there is a growing trend in Europe to deport more people (without judicial review) who are flagged as national security risks, with Italy having a notable track record for implementing this measure. First, many European countries have introduced harsher laws to crack down on suspected terrorists and European citizens who travelled to Syria to fight for Daesh before attempting to return home. Moreover, there is a growing trend in Europe to deport more people (without judicial review) who are flagged as national security risks, with Italy having a notable track record for implementing this measure. Many countries have developed guidelines on the removal of extremist and terrorist content from the internet or preventing terrorists from recruiting on social media. source: Dalej
Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the sentence that “the EU is just a European version of the United States”:
The EU can be regarded similarly structured to the US as every country can be compared with being a separate state
The EU people are not a political body in a sense that people in the EU speak different languages, have different cultures and have different histories
The single most common myth about the EU in the United States – heard occasionally in Europe too – is that it is 1776 all over again: the creation of a new federal union. This is a particularly potent and dangerous myth. The EU is not a federation, in which important powers are permanently retained by the states and only a defined and necessary set are delegated to the central government: it is a steadily-deeper union that seeks the progressive eradication of sovereign state powers. Moreover, the European peoples are not a political body, a demos: they speak different languages, have different cultures, and have different histories. Unlike the American people, they were not united by a shared struggle for independence, a freely-adopted constitution, a great civil war, and tremendous mobility between the states. If there is an analogy to the US in Europe, it is the Federal Republic of Germany, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – not the European Union. source: Dalej
Citizens from which country believed that knives specially designed for mushrooms would have been banned?
Are wild mushrooms really off the menu in Czechia? Scandal hit Czechia earlier this year when it was claimed the European Union was deliberately banning the possession of knives to stop Czechs from enjoying their beloved pastime of picking mushrooms in the forest. The truth? A little more nuanced. In fact, the final report by the European Parliament Special Committee on Terrorism asked national governments to consider banning certain types of particularly dangerous ‘zombie’ and ‘butterfly’ knives commonly used in knife crime. So no reason for panic. Be it porcini, chanterelle or morel, everyone can still be a fun guy and take their knife with them to forage for mushrooms in the woods. source: Dalej
Boris Johnson often used euromyth to justify his stands against Eu, since he was a journalist working for british newspapers. As The Guardian stated in 2016 "The myths were usually funny, often absurd, sometimes traceable to a grain of truth, nearly always grossly distorted, or totally untrue. Very often they had first appeared in the Daily Telegraph. Usually, their creator was Boris Johnson, who had for some years worked as the Telegraph’s EU correspondent, famous in the press room as a shuffling, shabbily dressed fellow, with a sharp intellect, huge ambition, and a talent for constructing myths. That mastery launched his career back then, and will be crucial to his relaunch as a serious politician and Conservative party leader in waiting. He is older now and feted, but the modus operandi seems much the same." source: Dalej
Burying the truth Austrians were understandably upset when a national newspaper reported that a new EU regulation required their national Formula 1 hero, the late great Niki Lauda to be exhumed. The myth cited a local priest who claimed that, according to EU law, graves must be paved with concrete. As it turns out, the story was completely false. On further investigation, the priest claimed that he had never said such a thing, and the whole affair had apparently been a convoluted misunderstanding. In reality, racing legend Niki Lauda had been temporarily moved from his resting place in Vienna so that his family could construct a memorial they deemed more befitting of the great man. source: Dalej
Where did the law that forbid people in a village in Croatia from hanging clothes out to dry come from?
Croatians hung out to dry? Residents of towns on Croatia’s Adriatic coast may have read that the EU was putting an end to the practice of drying laundry outside this August. Reports suggested that EU legislation would forbid people from hanging their clothes out to dry on the fronts of buildings and houses. As it turns out though, the ban was brought in by the local government in Kaštela, and had nothing to do with the EU. Next time, we would recommend not airing your dirty laundry in public. source: Dalej
People think that maintaining the European Parliament is really expansive. Actually it cost around €3 per year which is a small amount compare to the cost of living for national parliaments. Source: Dalej
Some people think that the way the EU works is not trasparent, but EU citizens have the right to access any type of document, subject to the conditions and exceptions set out in Regulation 1049/2001. This applies to all documents held by the institutions, in all areas of European Union (EU) activity. source: Dalej
To begin with, a lot of people say that the European Commission is an undemocratic body that no one controls. But it is not the case, because the European commissioners who direct the activities of the European Commission are appointed by the heads of government of EU countries. They are appointed only with the consent of the European Parliament, which is directly elected by all EU citizens. The European Parliament may also dismiss the entire composition of the European Commission (commissioners and the president) by expressing no confidence in it. source: Dalej
In European Union there is possible to earn a lot of money and it may be perceived as a heavy budget burden. This is not true, administrative expenditure is just over 6% the entire budget. This means that over 94% the EU budget is used to support EU projects. Source: Dalej
The claim that an organisation’s cabbage regulations contain precisely “26,911 words” is a myth that dates back to 1951, several years before the European Economic Community (the forerunner of the European Union) was even created. That claim was originally about the USA’s Office of Price Stabilization (OPS) during the Korean War, and was itself a variation on an even earlier claim that dates from 1943. Dalej
The ban on curved bananas, flat cucumbers and imperialist units of measurement are myths that have circulated in Europe over the past. The only fact that is not the myth is that EU Ecodesign lighting regulation, inefficient incandescent and halogen light bulbs have been phased out progressively since 1st September 2009, paving the way to more efficient LEDs. source: Dalej
The total number of myths in period from 2010 - 2015 is 135. In this period the most myths surfaced in 2015 (35). Dalej
GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the EU, it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU.<br /> Everything else is a myth. If you ever hear the myths or something similar to them - its probably not true. source: Dalej
It was found that Germany and the Netherlands are the only countries to have gained substantial benefits from the euro. In Germany during this two-decade time frame, the new currency created an additional €23,000 per inhabitant. (Source: CEP Centre of European Policy) source: Dalej
As we wrote before, the refugees can't cross the border without showing any proof, that they are healthy and they are not a threat for the Europeans' health or lives. source: Dalej
According to the European Commission the European Border and Coast Guard "will bring together a European Border and Coast Guard Agency built from Frontex and the Member States’ authorities responsible for border management with day-to-day management of external border regions remaining the responsibility of member states. Source: Frontex official website. Dalej
To guarantee more security in the EU we need more cooperation among the EU members. EU should work to stabilize the political situation in other countries in the world in order to decrease the pressure on the EU itself. Source: Dalej
In 2014 media reported that EU was going to ban British number plates, but the proposal to create a standard design for all car number plates in the EU was never on the table. source: Dalej
The UK slowly turned into metric system in 1965, but they still use the imperial system there, it’s not banned. source: Dalej
U army doesn't exist, army and defence remains exclusively a matter for member states. What it's true is that EU is trying and taking steps to improve defence cooperation. source: Dalej
In 2010 newspapers wrote an article about farmers having to ensure that their pigs have toys to play with. That was a myth and the EU only required for pigs to have straw, hay, wood and sawdust. source: Dalej